Monday, March 22, 2010

Well the trip has started! Thanks to everyone who came to the Royal Friday night for the going away party. It was an awesome night and was good to see you all there. Cheers to The Imortal Mindsets and Timmy for putting on the music!

Followed it up with another big night out at the Bulls Horn Inn on Saturday night - always good times out there.

Again cheers to everyone giving us a big send off on Sunday from Moonta - was hard to leave such a big group of people there like that - gunna miss everyone!

Go to Whyalla with no worries on the first night after using the UHF radio's all the way there talking absolute garbage like we will be over the next few months. Had a good feed and nights sleep at Jess's new pad, cheers Jess!!

Took our first of many dirt tracks to Kimba, and had our first of many nights on the goon at Frommy's - goes de-lish with a dash of apple and black current juice...

Writing this in the Kimba library and are about to continue our journey West.


  1. sounds sweeet boys! i can see gilby up there too haha Nice work! missing yas already, Stay classy out West! :)

  2. Way to go boys bet Fromme loved having house guests!!!Luv Jude

  3. Good stuff fellas, look forward to lots of updates, now your not on email Fuss i need some useless shit to read online to fill the void in my day. either that or actually do some work???

  4. Good work boys. I love the photo out the front of where my house is haha!! Got your towel washed and ready for your return Fussy.

  5. Hi Guys, Hows the travelling? Have you done any washing yet or are you still wearing the same clothes that you left in? We need more updates to keep up with the journey. MumDeb

  6. Hi Deb
    I have left messages on anothe spot on this page not sure how lol Heard from Bennett yeaterday they are at Esperance and staying there for a week x

  7. Hey Matts & Scott
    Did youi forgrt to call in to the library at Ceduna & Norseman???

  8. Happy Birthday Matthew Albert Bennett! Its great to hear about your adventures on here & I also hear some of your english teachers from Moonta Area School are very impressed with your story telling :) xx

  9. Good times boys!!!
    Loving the updates and pics very entertaining whilst procrastinating at work ;) keep it up! xx
